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Decontamination after fire
striped coats paint | corrosion monitoring probe

When a fire occurs, what was not destroyed by the fire or by the extinguisher means is exposed to fumes containing several toxic and corrosive and then is covered by high corrosive soot.

Sometime after the accident multiply dangerous symptoms appear on the equipment; in order to avoid them it is essential to proceed to a decontamination process as soon as possible.

IMC provide the clients with a complete and specialised assistance for the rehabilitation of the equipment after a fire. The intervention of IMC engineers develops in consecutive steps starting with the identification and characterisation of the contamination, the preparation of a detailed report of the situation and with the necessary preliminary operations to stop the possible corrosive processes; than the services proceed with the preparation of a technical specification for the decontamination works and functional cleanings, which mainly take in due consideration the related activities and operations such as waste containment and disposal.